5th Grade Capstone Trip: Atlanta!

NOTE: The information below is from our Atlanta trip in March 2024. Stay tuned for details about our Spring 2025 trip, coming soon!

We are thrilled to mark a return to our 5th grade capstone overnight trip on March 13-15, 2024, when our students will spend two amazing days and nights in Atlanta, Georgia. Important information for 5th grade families follows.


Trip highlights include a day at Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park and a behind-the-scenes tour and overnight at the Georgia Aquarium. Check out our complete itinerary.


A total of 17 adult chaperones (at least 9 male and 8 female) are needed to support this trip. Please contact your student’s teacher if you are able to volunteer or you have questions about chaperoning that are not answered on this page!

Students will be grouped by gender at the Holiday Inn Buckhead on the night of Wednesday, March 13, with a ratio of one adult for every three students. Each room has two double beds; students will have the option of sleeping on sleeping pads if they are not comfortable sharing a bed.

The required ratio at the Georgia Aquarium for the night of Thursday, March 14 is one adult for every 10 students.

The charter bus can accommodate 10 chaperones. Others may bring their cars and caravan with the bus. Please see the section below for information on chaperone expenses.


The cost for each student will be $350-400 (scholarships available), which covers charter bus transportation, entrance fees, meals, and overnight accommodations. Fundraising including through our raffle baskets and our Spaghetti Dinner on the evening of Tuesday, December 12 (before the Winter Concert) will help make it possible for all students to attend. We hope to have 100% participation!

The cost of attendance for parents who chaperone will be budgeted separately. Transportation, entrance fees, and overnight accommodation will total approximately $230. This estimate does not include meals. If you drive your own car, your cost will be reduced by about $85.


Payment for students will be completed in installments. The initial $50 deposit was due November 1 (please contact your child’s teacher if you have not yet paid). A next installment of $100 will be due January 15, and the final balance will be due February 15.

Checks should be made out to Ira B. Jones Elementary and can be sent in your student’s class folder or turned in to the front office. Please be sure to include “Atlanta trip” and your student’s name on the check memo.


All personal belongings should be clearly labeled with your student’s name. Read or print our complete packing list.