FTO Meetings
All are invited to attend our Family-Teacher Organization meetings. No RSVP is required, and childcare and light food are provided. Please join us to learn more about what’s happening in the FTO and ways you can help support our school!
Our tentative next meeting date is Wednesday, February 12, beginning at 5:15 pm in the Media Center.
Our default meeting plan is the second Wednesday of each month throughout the school year, from 5-6:30 pm in the Media Center, but please watch this page and the school and FTO newsletters for any changes!
School Community Nights
School community nights are times for us to support our students and build community at Jones. A family dinner is provided at many events.
Thanks to everyone who gathered for warm drinks, cookies, and quality playground time at our Hot Cocoa Social in December! Watch for details on upcoming events in your child’s school folder and by email in our school and FTO newsletters. We hope your family can come out and participate!